Exit Interview Questions That Aren’t a Waste of Time

 Why Exit Interview?

The exit interview is one of the final opportunities for an employee to have a meaningful conversation with your company. It is an opportunity for them to reflect on their experience and reinforce their contributions to your organisation. Above all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gather candid and open input that will help you improve the employee experience for current and potential employees. Understanding why an employee leaves can also help reduce turnover, resulting in cost savings associated with recruitment, training, and onboarding processes. Employers, on the other hand, perform only one-fourth of exit interviews. Others conduct interviews but do not review the data. Certain organisations analyse it but do not convey their results to senior management who can act on them. Data is collected, evaluated, shared, and acted upon by a small number of people.

Exit Interview Questions that one should ask: 

  1. What made you want to leave your job?

There is always a reason why people leave their jobs. No one quits without a reason. Why are they leaving? This question will help you figure that out. This question can also help you figure out what opportunities, rewards, or perks your company is giving to get and keep top employees. 

  1. What could we have done better to get you to stay with us?

You are not trying to keep the employee. (This should happen immediately after they submit their resignation.) If, on the other hand, several interviews generate the same root reaction (for example, a better salary, improved perks, and increased growth opportunities), you’ll know what has to be corrected to keep your talent.

  1. Would you recommend our firm to a friend?

Even if they have opted to leave, former employees might be excellent recommendation sources. If they’re willing to promote your company to their professional network, you’re leaving on good terms, and they can be a great source of recruiting. If, on the other side, they are unwilling to refer a friend, identify the issues and make the required modifications as quickly as possible.

  1. Were you at ease discussing work issues with your boss?

According to research, good relationships with superiors foster loyalty. Workplace grievances can be settled in a peaceful and professional manner if your employees can communicate effectively with their management. 

  1. What was the most difficult aspect of your job?

Although minor inconveniences are a part of every employment, they can accumulate over time and lead to contempt of the company. Even little issues (such as a shortage of parking space) can quickly escalate into huge annoyances if left unresolved. As a result, it is in the organization’s best interests to minimise these difficulties as quickly as possible.

  1. Is there anything else you want to discuss?

This is the final opportunity for the employee to convey any outstanding grievances. When they become aware that the interview is drawing to a close, they may become more candid. This question guarantees that they did not forget to say anything.