Always put your best man to recruit. The first – cut of your costliest resource selection cannot be left to the lowest possible denominator of your enterprise. That is the blunder most COs do.

Selecting the best from a flawed recruitment shortlist cannot give the best results. When recruitment is wrong, selection cannot be right. Those that make this blunder should be willing to bear the price of failure.

Recruit right to select best

Adversity has a tendency to appear strong and overwhelming when it strikes you. Partly because it startles you and makes you wrongly perceive your confidence to be smaller in comparison.

You feel resource inadequacy. You feel strategy collapsing. You feel you are losing in the present. You feel you can never rise in the future. You see your confidence collapsing … your world appears crumpling.

That is when you need to speak to the inner you. Pump-up your confidence. Battles are not won by the size of the enemy or the armoury they wield but by the strength and scale of your confidence .

Battles are won first in your mind, guts shore up your confidence, and finds its expression in the battle field.

Digitization, changing market behaviors, economy collapse, shifting consumer insights … all adversities.